Komfortsitze mit Sitzbelüftung unbequem?

  • Leider kommt es ja

    Ja, anders gut könnte man sagen.

    Bei der Wahl wären mir die aus dem F07 auch lieber, aber soooo schlecht sind die im G32 nicht.

    Fahre mal A6 und dann weißte was mies ist.

    Leider kommt es ja auf die genaue Ausführung an.

    F11: Komforsitze mit und ohne Nappa sowie mit und ohne Sitzbelüftung --> Sehr gut

    G30/31/32: Komforsitze gut; Komforsitze mit Nappa --> schlechter (Kedernaht); Komforsitze mit Nappa und Sitzbelüftung --> Zumutung ;(

    Drei Welten, ein Lebensgefühl: Z4 für die Kurven, G31 für den Komfort, Bayliner für den Horizont :thumbsup:

  • Hi guys I'm writing from Italy. I bought a 2022 bmw 520d g30 in Ettlingen. It has ventilated seats as an option and I'm also suffering from the side fans of the seat because they compress my legs. I saw that some have installed the simple sponge completely eliminating the ventilation on the seat. I'm thinking of eliminating the only 2 side fans of the seat and compressing the holes with sponge. This is to not completely lose the ventilation on the seat. Do you think it could be a good compromise? Thanks.

  • Hi guys I'm writing from Italy. I bought a 2022 bmw 520d g30 in Ettlingen. It has ventilated seats as an option and I'm also suffering from the side fans of the seat because they compress my legs. I saw that some have installed the simple sponge completely eliminating the ventilation on the seat. I'm thinking of eliminating the only 2 side fans of the seat and compressing the holes with sponge. This is to not completely lose the ventilation on the seat. Do you think it could be a good compromise? Thanks.


    I can tell you that I tried exactly that an it didn’t work. At the end I changed the whole cushion.

  • CIAO,

    Posso dirti che ho provato esattamente quello e non ha funzionato. Alla fine ho cambiato tutto il cuscino.

    strange the compression zone is on the sides where I can actually touch the fans. I have never felt the central area causing pain. do you think all that mesh compromises the comfort of the seat?

  • strange the compression zone is on the sides where I can actually touch the fans. I have never felt the central area causing pain. do you think all that mesh compromises the comfort of the seat?

    I do not think, that it is the mesh making the seat uncomfortable.

    For me it was 80% the fans (I did exchange the cushion) and 20% the beading (which still is there)

    If you do not bother the effort, you could try remove the fans on the side first and fill the holes with foam.

    I never missed the fans though, so for me it was the best choice to change the foam/cushion.

  • what do you mean by beads? the net in the seat? but has anyone on the forum tried to eliminate only the two side fans including the rigid support for their support in the foam. and plug the holes successfully?

  • what do you mean by beads? the net in the seat? but has anyone on the forum tried to eliminate only the two side fans including the rigid support for their support in the foam. and plug the holes successfully?


    The gray Stripes/Beads (Keder in german)

    These are pretty annoying as well.

    The net in the seats make it a bit harder, but this is not what is pushing you in the butt as you would sit on something

    As I understood Kelle, he did try to remove just the fans on the side without success and did finally exchange the cushion/foam

    The seat ventillation is pretty weak anyways.

    Removing the fans in the bottom is no big loss and the additional comfort is a lot more worth than having some "warm air" around your booty.

    That is at least my opinion