at the moment i will try to eliminate the 2 side fans with the plastic support drowned in the sponge that holds the fans. if it doesn't work well i will change the whole cushion. i will update you from italy. i wonder if the backrest fans will work if i change the whole cushion. will there be errors in diagnosis? another question the heating mat must then be bought specifically for the all foam cushion or can i recover mine from the seat with the fans? thanks german friends.

Komfortsitze mit Sitzbelüftung unbequem?
I did not check the diagnosis with the missing 4 bottom fans yet. But the fans in the backrest still work flawlessly. You also do not get an error massage in the headunit.
The seatheating mat is glued to the cushion.
If you want to remove it, you will destroy the cushion and it most probably is a pain in the butt to remove all the residues from the heating mat. The chances that you are destroing the mat in the process is pretty high, too.
I would not reccomend doing so. A new heating mat is the way to go
Non ho ancora controllato la diagnosi con le 4 ventole inferiori mancanti. Ma le ventole nello schienale funzionano ancora in modo impeccabile. Inoltre non si riceve un messaggio di errore nell'unità principale.
Il tappetino riscaldante del sedile è incollato al cuscino.
Se vuoi rimuoverlo, distruggerai il cuscino e molto probabilmente è una seccatura rimuovere tutti i residui dal tappetino riscaldante. Anche le probabilità che tu stia distruggendo il tappetino nel processo sono piuttosto alte.
Non consiglierei di farlo. Un nuovo tappetino riscaldante è la soluzione migliore
ok so by eliminating only two fans on the seat I should keep the two central fans working. for the heated mat there are 2 codes. one for the air conditioned seat like I have now and one for the non-air conditioned seat. I wonder what the differences are. and what mat to buy at this point if I had to buy the whole seat without ventilation. thanks
You need to buy the heated mat according to your cushion.
The one for the ventilated seats has some cutouts for the fans afair.
Bisogna acquistare il tappetino riscaldato in base al cuscino che si ha a disposizione.
Quello per i sedili ventilati ha anche alcuni ritagli per le ventole.
ok thanks you were very kind. it certainly seems to me that if my idea of modification does not work. by putting the normal sponge everyone has finally found comfort in the seat. am I right?
The cushion modification can improve the situation as well.
Bevore I changed the cushion I did find some reports of people doing so
I neither remember were that was (not in this forum) nor if they removed all of the fans or just the outer ones though.
Think it was motortalk were I found reports of just removing some fans
Anche la modifica del cuscino può migliorare la situazione.
Prima di cambiare il cuscino ho trovato alcune segnalazioni di persone che lo facevano
Non ricordo dove fosse (non in questo forum) né se hanno rimosso tutte le ventole o solo quelle esterne.
I compress the sides of the cushion. and honestly I would like to try the modification because I live in southern Italy. in winter I get a maximum of 10 degrees of cold. I live in a very hot area and already as soon as the car arrived I can tell you that with the air conditioning on I opened the ventilation and in any case the greatest cold comes from the two central ones not from the sides that I want to eliminate... unfortunately it causes pain in my legs precisely in the sciatic nerve. if you remember where you saw how they do the modification write to me privately.
if you remember where you saw how they do the modification write to me privately.
I did put a link in my previous post
I did put a link in my previous post
I saw now thanks....well I'll try the modification. in any case, can you reassure me that with the normal sponge I will find true comfort?
Without the fans and the standard cushion, it is certainly a lot better.
But for me it is still not as perfect as in the previous BMW generations comfort seats.
At least I can drive now 8hours+ without pain which was impossible before where I did have pain in the legs just after 30min+